Saturday, 25 May 2013

Why do I avoid Procrastinating?

Each day, each one of us is on our toes running here and there to manage the things and to bring the things in order as per our own personal expectations. Many a times, I do have same question popping up in my mind that is I the only one who is getting confused in managing the things or it is common to all of us? Time is a finite resource" - A fact which is known to everyone but still widely misconstrued by most. I see it in a way that it is the only resource which is unbiasedly distributed to every single person on this planet and thus, a unique parameter, whose efficient management forms the basis of comparison among individuals.

I personally fight each day to manage the things in the best possible manner but still there is a learning happening each day. In crux, I will state that "One who fails to plan in turn plans to fail". Keeping oneself organised is of utmost importance in today's fast moving life. Therefore, one must allocate some time for scheduling and planning the things in advance. Why is it that most of us struggle to slice 24 hours of the day in the best possible manner? There is not even an iota of doubt that there will be many uncertainties coming on ones path to goal achievement. Formulating a clear plan for all these uncertainties may be almost impossible for anyone but from here originates the concept of prioritizing. One must be capable of taking a decision of what to do first and what not to do. An intelligent handling of such uncertainties is what brings the manager out of oneself, thus developing ones core skills of time management and uncertain events handling.

Apart from this, I will also like to highlight the importance of being flexible in daily life. Though planning in advance is a vital ingredient to success, but on the contrary, one must not be rigid enough so as not to accommodate even a minor change in the micro-plans. Change is a part and parcel of human life and we should accept changes in environment with an open heart rather than cursing it. One must have a positive attitude, clear motive in mind and mobilize ones mental energy towards his goal by systematically focusing on activities. This will also prevent the building on undue stress on one's mind because it is commonly seen that uncertain situations lead to stress piling.

A Quote By Swami Vivekananda
Why do I avoid Procrastinating? I personally avoid it because of one single thought in my mind that procrastinating just leads to an even bigger problem somewhat later. I am of the opinion that I should be ready to face the situation at present than handling it in future when many other things may crop up additionally. I must collate enough energy so that i should not keep on delaying the things unnecessarily. I should not let the lethargies overrule my plans. Now, this does not literally mean that I must perform the entire daily planned chores (without missing out on anything) irrespective of whatever the demand comes. This is where the act of balancing comes into play and it is finally I who takes a call on balancing the activities. One must be decisive enough on what can be given up temporarily, what can be done for a smaller duration and last but not the least what needs to be continued without a break/change? 

Once a person has clarity on this simple concept of time management, I think most of the problems related to "lack of time to do everything" will get solved on its own. Don't wait for the good things to happen to you automatically on their own, rather work consistently to make the good things happen. My consistent effort to manage my time effectively is one of those most important things that keeps me happy and stress free most of the times. In simple terms, to be able to have control over your life, manage your time and do not let it manage you.

Abishek Mittal
NMP XXVI - Class of 2014
MDI, Gurgaon

PS: Thank you Shilpa for enlightening me to key in my thoughts on this important topic !

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